Trying to find a high-quality and useful site on the web can often be a time consuming experience. To save you the trouble we have compiled a list of websites that we have found to be valuable sources of information.
Note: The websites links provided on this page are for general interest only.
We do not endorse any products and services offered by the websites listed on this page.
Online Courses »
Additional accounting and business tutorials »
Other sites providing the same courses
Kutztown University Of Pennsylvania
They have over 90 Online Learning Programs. They are constantly adding more programs. This is one of the largest collection
of free, on-demand entrepreneurial training resources available in the United States and is part of their "Success
Network". They have Online Learning programs from the SBA, IRS, Small Biz U, Virtual Advisor and custom programs from
the Pennsylvania SBDC Network.
Guide to Financial Statements
This is an excellent 45 minute online tutorial on financial statements developed by Baruch's Computing and Technology Center
(BCTC) and Kognito Solutions LLC with the cooperation of Baruch's Stan Ross Department of Accountancy
Outsourcing »
Work with talented freelancers for long-term success...
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Hire expert freelancers for your online job...
Elance-oDesk - Upwork
Access over 2 million skilled freelancers from around the world. Elance is now an Upwork Company - the world's largest online workplace where savvy businesses and professional freelancers go to work!
Institute of Certified Public Accountants »
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Chartered Accountants New Zealand
New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (ICAA) have amalgamated to become Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
The IASB mission is to develop "international financial reporting standards (IFRSs) for general purpose financial statements".
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
The designated private sector organization in the U.S. that establishes financial and reporting standards. The FASB website contains the FASB pronouncements—which are part of the generally accepted accounting principles in the U.S.
IMA is an association of more than 60,000 accountants and financial professionals. The IMA is the organization which oversees the CMA Exam.
CPA Journal Online
This monthly journal of the New York State Society of CPAs provides outstanding articles and other information for accounting professionals.
Cloud Software for Business »
Apple iCloud
Stores your data and syncs to Apple and PC devices
Shortens URL addresses and allows you to track your
Constant Contact
E-newsletters, event management, social media and surveys
Upload your files so you can view or share them
An online place to keep all your lists, plans and important information
Filesanywhere - store your files
Flingah - SMS marketing tool
Google+ - a range of services including email and calendar
Hootsuite - schedule your Facebook and Twitter posts
ahead of time
Jobsheet - the simplest job card management tool
Jing - record your screen or take a snapshot
Mailchimp - email newsletters and sign up forms
Office 365 - Microsoft Office Suite hosted on the web
Pay Pal
Allows you to safely accept payment over the web on your website
Salesforce - ideal for sales based business
Survey Monkey - set up surveys to send to your
Tweetdeck - manage your Tweets on Twitter
Wufoo - form creation for web use