Income Statement
NOTE: For multiple-choice and true/false questions, simply place your cursor over what you think is the correct answer.
(There is no need to click the answer.) For fill-in-the-blank questions place your cursor over the
If you have any difficulty answering the questions, learn more about this topic by reading our mini-lectures covering introductory to Income Statement or it might be useful to check out multimedia courses "Creating a Profit and Loss Statement"
presented by CIT Small Business Lending.
3. |
Amounts earned by a company in its main operating activities are |
4. |
A company disposes of equipment that it no longer uses in its business. The amount received by the company is more than the amount the asset is carried at in the accounting records. The company will report a(n) |
5. |
On December 1 a company borrowed $100,000 at 12% per year. The interest will be paid quarterly, with the first payment due on March 1. What should the company report on its income statement for December? |
Interest Expense of $1,000
8. |
The income statement format that segregates the operating revenues and expenses from the non-operating revenues and expenses is the |
18. |
If a company's stock is publicly traded, is it a requirement that the earnings per share appear on the income statement? |
Yes |
No |
19. |
Are the notes to the financial statements considered to be an integral part of the financial statements? |
Yes |
No |
20. |
Is it acceptable that some of the expenses reported on the income statement be estimates? |
Yes |
No |
If you have any difficulty answering the questions, learn more about this topic by reading our mini-lectures covering introductory to Income Statementor it might be useful to check out multimedia courses "Creating a Profit and Loss Statement"
presented by CIT Small Business Lending.
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